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Cacay Oil by Curelle

Cacay Oil by Curelle

SKU: 881073011

This is only clinically proven Cacay oil. This is not adulterated. This premium grade cacay oil has the highest linoleic acid (Vitamin F) content of any plant oil.

* 2x more linoleic acid and 50% more Vitamin E than argan oil.
* 3x more retinol (Vitamin A) and 65% more linoleic acid than rose hip oil, and significantly more Vitamin E than rose hip oil.

Rose hip oil is unstable with a shelf life of six months or less, Vitamin E is added to extend its shelf life. The shelf life of this premium grade cacay oil is just over two years (with nothing added, just the pure oil).

Sustainable: The purchase of cacay nuts direct from farmers supports 200 families, making it possible for them to plant their own cacay trees and further increase their income.

Where is Curelle's Cacay oil from?


100% Pure Cold-Pressed Cacay Oil (Caryodendron Orinocense Seed Oil). Sourced from Amazonia in Colombia.
There are more than 1000 drops in a bottle.

Elle M Lashco

Michelle Fagela | Owner | Wix Chat | IG DM

International Village Mall | Unit 1073 88 W Pender St Vancouver BC

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Elle M Lashco 

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